Foldable Wheelchair Ramps

Foldable wheelchair ramps offer a great level of ease of use in case of steps, thresholds and stairs with no concrete ramps.

Takes up an area of only 15 cm in depth when it is folded and, easy to store. In case of a need by a user of a wheelchair, it is possible to drag it on its chairs without having to carry it to the place where it is to be used and, unfold and use it in seconds.

Foldable wheelchair ramps are manufactured in special sizes according to the place where they are to be used. 70 cm to 100 cm in width. Length of the ramp is calculated in a way to offer the necessary minimum slope considering the height and number of stairs.

Manufactured using a raw material of aircraft aluminum. These products are safe to use with the curbs of 6 cm in height, the safety access modules placed on the stairs and, an antislip surface.
